Tuesday, July 21, 2009

You are what you eat, a fridge insider

3 person household / Journalist / designer / Austin Tx

1 person household / bar tender (goes to sleep at 8 am) / San Antonio Tx

3 person household (including dog) / Teachers eating locally grown vegetables

1 person household / Street Adviser (430 USD fixed monthly income)

Looking inside women bags is a bad habit but may tell you a lot about her personality. Wouldn't be the same with fridge insiders ? Here are some presented in the you are what you eat project from Mark Menjivar. As he writes, "refrigerators are like windows into our souls".

The complete report may be found in the Good Magazine, a "collaboration of individuals, businesses, and nonprofits pushing the world forward"...

1 comment:

i don't know said...

Very interesting article. You are what you eat, and these portraits are incredibly revealing.

Soon grocery retailers will be able to see customer's fridge. Samsung is developping refrigerators that will be able to create shopping list upon what is left in the fridge.