Monday, November 17, 2008

Hyper series by D. Darzacq

Denis Darzacq is a young french photograph presented by the VU gallery in the Paris Photo fair. Previous work from Darzacq has been exposed in the Rencontres d'Arles in 2005 where I remembered his nudes walking through dead cities...

These shots are impacting. The contrast between the universe of the mass market of the supermarket, the huge amount of food, down to earth and the floating corpses - levitating ? - of the young people. Well organised products vs. strange ballet. Processed food vs. living human. Materialism of the shelfs vs. surrealism of the flying bodies...

A comparison between being and having ?

PS: these shots are "real" and are not product of any Photoshop aid !


Henri Kaufman said...

C'est sûrement les bas prix et la haute qualité des produits ED qui fait tomber ces personnages à la renverse !!

Quel talent. Est-ce que le photographe recrute des volontaires ? :-))

Anonymous said...

Très étrange en effet ce contraste entre ce flottement et cette masse (de produits).